We have re-invented ourselves
Welcome to WAVA™
A creative marketing agency, a way of life.
A few years back, the WAVA™ creative team discussed the idea of building a new brand that would be representative of the creative work we provide our clients. A brand identity that would express who we are, has a meaning in itself and expresses creativity.
A redefined brand with
the same refined service
At WAVA™ we believe a great idea is what gets you noticed
Today, WAVA™ defines all that we’ve accomplished to-date. The new brand takes off from where Active Advertising left us, with a strong team of professionals who have one thing in common; dedication to advertising.
We’ve been bringing ideas to the table for over 25 years! We grow alongside our clients, creating brand awareness, reaching out to people and developing stories which are told through various media platforms.
If you wish to discuss a new project, or refocus your brand
Drop us a line
© 2016 WAVA™ - All rights reserved
WAVA™ is a brand operated by Active Enterprises Co. Ltd.
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